Monday, December 26, 2011


To the listening:

Usually i don't fantasize with the idea's of impossible. I dream alternatively  matching the characteristics that matches me. A realist. All i can beg is that you ask me for your sincere forgiveness. I know that i am not what i say i am... i am a modest coward that is afraid to leave afraid to seek into new adventure, so raise there goes my temper, im back to sadness like the fall of last september. Do you remember where my heart was? Do you know what i feared... I finally figured out that i became grown, forced i jumped from being a kid and landed into a puddle of stones, that broke me down... bruised my bones. But i found me in the process, although perfection is my middle name and i make sure i stay on track .. i continue on this interesting journey i onced called life... I see it that life is not the proper definition... i feel that with all the hell and high water one faces you are not truely living until you can smile without a worry in heart... True Peace becomes the limbs of the oak tree... an outreach to connect all the dots... 

-Alexis Christion
copyright 2011